Ryan’s Path to Poverty v3.0 = Romney Plan

— by ThinkProgress War Room, March 12, 2013

The New Old GOP Plan That Favors Millionaires Over the Middle Class

As you may recall, we had an election last year in which Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and their ideas were soundly rejected by voters.

Well, one person appears to have not gotten the message: Paul Ryan. Today, Ryan released the latest draconian budget from House Republicans and it is “almost identical to the Republican presidential platform in 2012.”

Here’s a closer at just how closely Ryan hewed to the unpopular and extreme policies he and Romney ran on — and lost.

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This material [the article above] was created by the Center for American Progress Action Fund. It was created for the Progress Report, the daily e-mail publication of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. Click here to subscribe.

A Difference in Priorities

Shelley Berkley Votes To Stop Student Loans From Doubling
By Ending Taxpayer Giveaways To Big Oil Companies

Meanwhile, Sen. Dean Heller Supports Rolling Back Women’s Health Care –
Like Preventative Cancer Screenings – Instead of Taking On
His Big Oil and Wall Street Backers

Las Vegas – While incumbent Senator Dean Heller continues to protect taxpayer giveaways to Big Oil companies, Shelley Berkley today voted to stop the student loan rate from doubling on Nevada middle-class families by ending these same unnecessary handouts to the top 5 Big Oil companies. 

And what is Senator Dean Heller’s solution to preventing student loan rates from doubling? Heller voted to roll back women’s health care options – including routine preventative examinations such as breast cancer screenings – rather than ending taxpayer subsidies to his Big Oil backers.

“As the first person in my family to go to college, I know firsthand how important affordable education is for middle-class families.  That’s why I was proud to support a plan today that prevents student loan rates from doubling on Nevada middle-class families by ending huge taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil companies,” said U.S. Senate candidate Shelley Berkley.  “Unfortunately, my opponent Senator Dean Heller wants to roll back health care options for women, such as preventative breast cancer screenings, instead of taking on his Big Oil and Wall Street backers.”

In 2007, interest rates on need-based student loans (subsidized Stafford Loans) were cut from 6.8% in the 2006-2007 academic year to 3.4% in the 2011-2012 academic year.  Fifteen million students benefitted from these lower rates.  However, if Congress doesn’t act, these reduced rates are set to expire on July 1st of this year.

The Impact in Nevada

If the student loan interest rates were to rise in Nevada, on average, students will have to pay $982 more over the life of their loan for one year in borrowing. LINK

Total Number of Students Who Would Be Impacted from

  • Carson City – 65
  • Elko – 409
  • Henderson – 2,761
  • Incline Village – 586
  • Las Vegas – 13,700
  • Lincoln -1,074
  • Reno – 8,716
  • Sparks – 505
  • Total – 27,816

Average Debt at Graduation for Nevada Students: $16,622

Proportion of Students in Nevada With Debt: 39% LINK


Dean Heller’s Anti-Middle Class Record

Republican Senator Dean Heller has a poor record on higher education.  Instead of helping students and middle-class Nevada families obtain access to an affordable higher education, Republicans like Dean Heller have consistently sought to cut funding for education, including student aid and Pell Grants.  The devastating cuts that Dean Heller supports puts the future of our state at jeopardy as fewer Nevadans would be able to obtain the education and training they need to compete in a 21st Century economy.

During the 2009-2010 academic year, the percentage students at the following Nevada schools received Pell Grant assistance to help pay for college:

  • College of Southern Nevada – 16%
  • Great Basin College – 13%
  • Nevada State College – 16%
  • UNLV – 24%
  • UNR – 21%
  • Western Nevada College – 22%
  • Sierra Nevada College – 31%
  • University of Southern Nevada – 26%

Heller Voted To Cut The Average Nevada Undergraduate Receiving Pell Grants’ Assistance By More Than $600. In February 2011, Heller voted for the Republican Continuing Resolution.  Under H.R.1, the average Nevada undergraduate with Pell college tuition assistance would see their assistance cut by more than $600. [HR 1, Vote 147, 2/19/11; DPCC fact sheet]

Heller Voted Against Increasing Pell Grants Funding By $39 Million. In February 2011, Heller voted against an amendment that would have increased funds for federal Pell Grants by $39 million, offset by a reduction in funds available for Department of Education Program Administration.  The amendment was not adopted 186-238.  [CQ Floor Votes; HR 1, Vote #146, 2/19/11]

Senate Republican Student Loan Bill, Like House GOP Bill, Would Cut Funds From Preventative Health Fund. In May 2012 CNN wrote, “The fight over a potential doubling of student loan interest rates this summer hits the Senate floor Tuesday with Republicans promising to block a White House-backed plan unless Democrats allow a vote on a GOP alternative. Interest rates on federal student loans are scheduled to rise to 6.8% from the current 3.4% in July unless Congress acts. But Democrats and Republicans disagree over how to offset the $6 billion it would cost to keep the rates down. Democrats want to eliminate a tax break for some corporations, while Republicans want to pull funds from a preventative health care fund set up under the health reform law.” [CNN, 5/8/12]

House GOP Student Loan Bill Would Cut $17 Prevention And Public Health Fund “Whose Projects Include Breast Cancer Screening, Childhood Immunizations, Research And Wellness Education.” In April 2012 the Associated Press wrote, “The House GOP bill would cut a $17 billion prevention and public health fund whose projects include breast cancer screening, childhood immunizations, research and wellness education.” [Associated Press, 4/26/12]

Office Of Budget And Management: House GOP Student Loan Bill Would Cut Program That “Would Provide For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Screenings For Breast And Cervical Cancer.”In April 2012 ABC News wrote, “In a statement released Friday, the OMB said the GOP version of the bill includes ‘an attempt to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund, created to help prevent disease, detect it early, and manage conditions before they become severe.  Women, in particular, will benefit from this Prevention Fund, which would provide for hundreds of thousands of screenings for breast and cervical cancer.  This is a politically-motivated proposal and not the serious response.’” [ABC News, 4/27/12]

Shelley Berkley’s Record of Standing up For Nevada Middle-Class Families

Shelley Berkley has been a leader on keeping college affordable for middle-class Nevada families, having co-sponsored a bill earlier this year to extend the student loan rate reduction by closing tax loopholes for big oil and gas companies, and voting to protect Pell Grants.  As a mother, and the first person in her family to go to college, Shelley knows first-hand the invaluable role affordable education plays in keeping Nevada’s middle class families strong.

Berkley Co-Sponsored Bill To Extend Student Loan Rate Reduction.  In 2012, Berkley co-sponsored HR 4816, which would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to extend the reduced interest rate for Federal Direct Stafford Loans.  The bill would be funded by closing tax loopholes for big oil and gas companies.  [HR 4816, 4/25/12]

Berkley Voted To Consider Stop The Rate Hike Act.  Berkley voted to bring the House Democratic student loan bill, Stop the Rate Hike Act, H.R. 4816, to the House floor for consideration.  Republicans, however, voted to block the House from even debating this measure. [H RES 691, Vote #389, 6/20/12; Congressional Record.

Berkley Voted Against Cutting $600 In Pell Grant Assistance For Average Nevada Undergraduate. In 2011, Berkley voted against the Republican continuing resolution.  Under H.R.1, the average Nevada undergraduate with Pell college tuition assistance will see their assistance cut by almost $600. The measure passed 235-189. [HR 1, Vote #147, 2/19/11; Democratic Policy and Communications Center]

Berkley Voted To Protect Pell Grants from $39 Million Cut. In 2011, Berkley voted for an amendment that would have increased funds for Federal Pell Grants by $39 million, offset by a reduction in funds available for Department of Education Program Administration.  The amendment failed to be adopted 186-238.   [HR 1, Vote #146, 2/19/11]

Berkley Voted For $4.95 Billion For Pell Grants. In 2010, Berkley voted for a portion of H.R. 4899, the Supplemental Appropriations Bill, which included an “amendment that would appropriate…$4.95 billion for Pell grants.”  The funding increase was offset through “$11.7 billion in rescissions from programs that no longer require the funding and $4.7 billion in expected savings from changes to mandatory programs.”  The House agreed to the motion by a vote of 239-182. [H.R. 4899, Vote #430, 7/1/10]

Berkley Voted For Higher Education Reauthorization, Which Would Increase Pell Grant To $8,000 Per Year. In 2008, Berkley voted to reauthorize the Higher Education Act of 1965 through Fiscal Year 2012.  According to Congressional Quarterly, the legislation “would reauthorize the Higher Education Act through fiscal 2012.  The bill would increase the maximum Pell grant to $8,000 per year by the 2014-15 academic year.  It would bar lenders from giving schools financial perks in order to get on a ‘preferred lender list.’  It also would penalize states that cut funding for institutions of higher education by withholding some federal funds if the state’s funding for such institutions falls below the average amount allocated by the state over the last five academic years.  It would establish a new loan forgiveness program, providing up to $2,000 a year for five years for individuals such as nurses, early childhood educators and librarians serving in high-need areas.”  The House passed the legislation by a vote of 380-49. [H.R. 4137, Vote #544, 7/31/08]

Berkley Voted Against Pell Grant Award Cuts.  In 2003, Berkley voted against a budget resolution that provided for $1.3 trillion in tax cuts over ten years, while cutting programs for children and public education by $38 billion over ten years below the amount needed to maintain service levels.  It provided virtually no increase for education programs overall and cut funding for No Child Left Behind programs by $1 billion (from $23.8 billion to $22.8 billion).   In addition, the House Budget eliminated 46 education programs (such as Rural Education, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology), cut the after school program by 40 percent (or $400 million) and reduced the maximum Pell Grant award (from $4,050 to $4,000). The budget passed 215-212.  [HCR 95, Vote #82, 3/20/03]

Ryan-Romney Budget Gives Away the Store

Congressman Paul Ryan has finally endorsed Mitt Romney as his preferred candidate for president.   Yeah, like we didn’t expect that coming.  Thus, it should be no surprise that both Romney and Ryan support the same key budget tenets — massive cuts to programs critical to its economic security of middle class Americans, and ending Medicare for our nation’s seniors as we’ve known it and paid into throughout our working careers — all so they can transform our nation’s wealth into outrageous tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

There budget plans would

  • Turn Medicare into a voucher program to help pay for massive tax cuts to the wealthiest.
  • Turn Medicaid into a block grant program that can easily be underfunded or diverted by states for other purposes.
  • Protect tax loopholes that benefit oil companies and hedge fund managers.
  • Repeal Health Care Reform, re-opening the do-nut hole, re-instituting pre-existing conditions and increasing health care costs to every American by thousands of dollars for not just medical premiums and services but in increased taxes as well.
  • Make arbitrary cuts to programs essential to middle-class families like education, environment and clean energy.
  • Provide large new tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, above and beyond any permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts
  • Not balance the budget and in fact, would increase our national debt.

But beyond the deep cuts in programs, those cuts mean some serious job losses in the public sector.  That means the Republicans intend to dump more Americans into the unemployment roles and simultaneously slash the safety net that would have assisted them.

Romney has said he is on the same page as Ryan – even “applauding” Ryan’s budget – so America’s seniors and the middle class need to take note of what this budget means to and for them.  Here’s a press release from the Obama/Biden Campaign that compares the two GOP budgets.  Is that where you think American should be going?  Do those represent your priorities for America?  If not, then get of your duff and get out there and fight for our ticket!



“Governor Romney has said he is on the same page as Congressman Ryan, so America’s seniors and the middle class should take note of what that means for them. The Romney and Ryan budgets would turn Medicare into a voucher program, increase health care costs to seniors by thousands of dollars and make arbitrary cuts to programs essential to middle class families like education and clean energy, all while giving massive tax cuts to the wealthiest and protecting taxpayer subsidies to oil companies and hedge fund managers. And by repealing health care reform and cutting over $1 trillion from Medicaid, Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan would deny coverage to approximately 50 million Americans who currently have it, including low-income children, pregnant women, nursing home patients and people with disabilities. We can’t do the same thing and expect a different result – Governor Romney has embraced a carbon copy of the policies that led to the economic crisis.” — Ben LaBolt, Press Secretary


The budget released today by Rep. Paul Ryan mirrors the radical policies supported by Gov. Mitt Romney: massive tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, privatize Medicare and deep, arbitrary cuts that hurt middle-class families.

Ryan’s Path to Poverty

Romney Budget Plan

Mutual Admiration 
  • “Look at what he put out! This is a great development. … This tracks perfectly with the House budget.” — Ryan on Romney’s budget,  Washington Post, 11/4/11
  • “When Paul Ryan put his plan out in the first place, I said it was a major advance, a big step forward, we were on the same page.”  — Romney on Ryan’s Medicare plan New York Times, 2/1/12
Privatizes Medicare 
  • YES. Turns Medicare into a voucher program that shifts costs to seniors.
  • YES. Similar voucher plans make seniors pay $6,350 more a year.
  • Charges seniors more for prescription drugs and preventive care.
  • Increases payments to insurance companies by $100 billion and repeals other reforms, accelerating the exhaustion of the Medicare trust fund to 2016.
Breaks Bipartisan Deal on Spending 
  • YES. Deep cuts to domestic spending would break the bipartisan agreement.
  • Cuts would cost jobs and hurt average Americans, slashing investments in education, clean energy and scientific and medical research.
  • YES. Proposes similarly deep cuts to discretionary spending that would also break the bipartisan deal.
  • Holding true to his promise to balance the budget would require deeper cuts to all domestic spending than the House plan.
Huge Tax Cuts for the Wealthy 
  • YES. Extends all of the Bush tax cuts.
  • Provides trillions more in tax rate cuts weighted towards the rich without specifying how to pay for them.
  • YES. Extends all of the Bush tax cuts.
  • Provides $5 trillion in tax cuts weighted towards the wealthy without specifying how to pay for them.
Deep Cuts in Medicaid and Healthcare Coverage 
  • YES. Repeals health reform and cuts over $1 trillion from Medicaid over the decade.
  • Deny coverage to up to 60 million people, including low-income children, pregnant women, nursing home patients, and people with disabilities.
  • YES. Repeals health reform and cuts over $1 trillion from Medicaid over the decade.
  • Deny coverage to up to 53 million people, including low-income children, pregnant women, nursing home patients, and people with disabilities.
Repeals Key Protections in Wall Street Reform 
  • YES. Rolls back key protections in Wall Street Reform designed to prevent future financial crises and end the era of “too big to fail.”
  • YES. Repeals all of Wall Street Reform,  even though it creates no budget  savings.

End note:  Absent from the Obama/Biden press release above was the restoration of the sequestration cuts that were made to military spending which takes up, by far, the largest portion of spending in the federal budget.  It is time to put our money “where our mouth is” and stop putting money into more and more weapons of destruction and involving our Country in one armed conflict after another.  Maybe we should mandate that every Republican is required to watch that new “Bully” film.